Does this sound familiar......

🪷 You have been seeing repeating signs 

🪷 Akashic records have been coming into your awareness

🪷 You are drawn to know yourself at deep soul level

🪷 You are being called to contribute to the collective


You are ready for guidance to accelerate your spiritual journey 


THIS is the synchronicity you have been waiting for.


Your being here is not a coincidence 💫


Join the live program

WHEN: Over a period of 6 consecutive days (3 hours every day)

WHERE: Zoom (from the comfort of your home)

 Send us a message to enquire about the dates 

TIME: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST (NY time) / 1:30 - 4:30 PM GMT / 7 - 10 PM IST

>> Register Now

✨ Searching for the meaning of life?

✨ Looking for answers to why you chose this life and all the hardships in it?

✨  Ready to heal your past Karma?

✨  Seeking guidance on how to turn around toxic relationships to bring joy?

✨  Feeling lost, miserable and ungrounded in the middle of everything?

✨  Wanting to break free from limitations & recurring patterns? 

✨  Struggling to fit into the labels given by society and feel that you don't belong?

✨ A people pleaser bending backwards to make everyone happy?

✨ Exhausted from being a care giver for others but uncomfortable in receiving?

✨ Feeling that time is passing by and even after trying everything there's a nagging emptiness in the pit of your stomach?

✨  Curious about and excited by the idea of connecting with your Soul wisdom to re-claim your inherent power?

✨  Ready to step into your life with full awareness to fulfill your deep desires?

You have been led here by your spiritual team because you are ready for the quantum leap forward on your spiritual journey✨  




Find your inner space of stillness - your very own sacred space in the depths of your Soul - to anchor you away from the volatile, disruptive external noises that currently rule the world.

There are no prerequisites. You don't need any super powers to learn this. You are a Soul having a human experience. You'll learn to tap into the reservoir of wisdom that holds the key to your existence.

Whether you are a Seeker curious about who you are, why you are here and how to break-free from this cycle of pain/suffering/life/death OR a Carer who genuinely wants to help and heal others from pain & suffering; get ready to delve into the wisdom held in the etheric levels of Universe since the time of your Soul's inception.

Get ready to be amazed by the truth about your Soul’s journey, the immense possibilities hidden in the so-called limitations and the love that surrounds and supports you at all times. 

Open your mind beyond I, ME, MYSELF in this physical dimension to the expansiveness of the God-mind.

Experience this transformational journey of re-connection, cleansing, healing, illumination and re-calibration.
Join us live on zoom
Over 6 consecutive days
Send us a message to enquire about the dates of next Practitioner program
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST / 1:30 - 4:30 PM GMT / 7 - 10 PM IST
  • Learn to access the wisdom of your Soul across lifetimes of learning and experiences.
  • Embark on safe, loving, non-judgemental, healing journey to know your true essence beyond who you are in this physical body.
  • Reveal soul secrets about yourself - fears, inhibitions, patterns and receive insights into how, why & when these originated and what form are they still showing up in your life to heal them for good.
  • Unveil past lifetimes, lessons learnt and integrate the wisdom gained to release stubborn traits, patterns, unhealthy life situations to live your best and highest timeline possible.
  • Clear karmic debts, abusive & unhealthy and restrictive patterns.
  • Transform your relationship with yourself and others
  • Heal blocks to manifest loving, nurturing, fulfilling relationships in your life
  • Access the wisdom of your ancestral lineage
  • Identify to heal, integrate or release any ancestral lineage threads, influences, responsibilities impacting your life
  • Release inherited patterns not in alignment with your soul purpose and growth
  • Heal difficult ancestral bonds and inherited karmic debts holding you back
  • Help your lineage break free from persistent themes, patterns that are creating hardships and restricting your lineage from flourishing
  • Heal bondage to suffering and self-sabotage to create the wholesome life you deserve
  • Create a loving, nurturing relationship in your inner and outer Universe
  • Experience insightful meditative journeys, group work and get lots of practice
  • Become the sovereign of your life. 
  • Learn to connect with your personal oracle - the Akashic records to create Karma aligned with your soul's ascension journey.
  • Become a certified Akashic Record Reader to help guide others live their best life.

Akashic record is a healing empowerment tool, your most accurate oracle guiding and supporting you on your life path.

Look past the mirage to see yourself as the eternal Be-ing of crystalline Light. Bring a shift in awareness to heal. As you evolve help others evolve.

Referred to as ‘Book of Life’ (in Bible), ‘Book of Remembrance’ (in Torah) and ‘Book of Karma’ (in Hindu scriptures) Akashic Records are available to guide and support you, if you are ready.

There is no prerequisite for this workshop. Come with an open heart, belief in Divine countenance, and a positive attitude. This workshop will not only build but also strengthen your relationship with the records.

Intuitive or not, during this workshop build your intuitive muscle as you experience the sublime energy of Akasha. If you are ready for that next step on your spiritual journey to expand awareness, clear karmic debts, unhealthy patterns & blockages register below.

Please note that this is a group workshop for 2+ participants for practical learning and training purposes. In case of less than 2 participants the workshop will be postponed to a future date. If that happens we will reach out to you with new date option. Your registration fee will be put as a deposit towards the new workshop dates. There are no refunds. 

Refund Policy: Due to the individual and informative nature of the workshop making accountability a key element, refunds will not be given for any reason.

Limited space. Book your spot now







“As you embrace your truth, as you discover yourself all over again, as you see your beauty shine through the veils may you always remember that you are loved as you are without conditions, without pretenses, without any inconsistencies.”

•• Bhavya Gaur

Bhavya is a multi-dimensional worker, Akashic Channel, Trauma informed Leadership and Life Mastery Coach / Spiritual Mentor, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Master of Crystology, Reiki Master/Teacher.

Born as an intuitive, Bhavya has been walking the spiritual path dedicated to healing for close to three decades.

She has been teaching Akashic record workshops in Canada, US, Australia, Europe, India and has thousands of happy students across the globe.

”“Thank you so much Bhavya for the wonderful workshop. I enjoyed every minute of it. Loved going into my records. What an eye opener! I came away feeling so different and ready to move on with my life in a very positive way. Can’t wait to do the advanced workshop and so looking forward to seeing you”

~ Noreen C. England, 

“Dear Bhavya, you have made my life! Thank you so much for the unforgettable experience. Lot's of love, God bless.”

~ Asha Z.
Mumbai, India

“Bhavya is a fantastic teacher who makes the entire process of learning a very holistic experience and even the most complicated subjects a pleasure to experience. I am glad I learnt it from her. She is a very pure soul and someone who knows full well how to balance the mind and soul while using such a modality.

Her Akashic record workshops were an eye opener for me with regard to myself and my gifts. They opened up a space of divine communion, a space of profound healing and peace for me. It’s amazing to experience the transformation it brings about in life.

~ Reena S
Mumbai, India

”Bhavya Gaur’s Akashic Records Workshop in San Diego was a really profound weekend. These workshops are truly powerful, and weekend intensive is an appropriate label! I could really describe it as coming home. Bhavya has been a wonderful steward on this journey and I am very grateful to have had this experience with her. For me, being taught how to access my records was a whirlwind of reflection and reconstruction; it helped me find the courage within to face my hardest challenges and honor my Self…The process is ongoing, but new-found strength is inherent from the Records and our loving guides. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey this is a very valuable, life changing practice, and one that I have happily adopted.
I know there are no bounds.”

~ Melody Brown
San Diego, USA

Book your spot. Limited availability!

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